Are you a fertility scientist - Have your say!

This submission recommends ways to update the regulation and work practices of ART units to support fertility scientists' critical role in delivering effective, high-quality health care to patients, to address health, safety and wellbeing concerns of fertility scientists and to mitigate what appear to be high levels of unmanaged risk in ART units.

The Review is an opportunity to update the Code to take account of changed circumstances, what works well and what could be improved with a view to effectively and proactively meeting the challenges and opportunities ahead. The Code and best practice guidelines will play a major role in determining how to balance increasing commercialisation with sound clinical practice – a key issue that has emerged since the Code was last reviewed in 2016/17.

As part of a comprehensive range of services, Professional Scientists Australia advocates for members in workforce and employment-related areas with the aim of maintaining professional standards and ensuring that the regulatory environments that govern the work of our members take into account professional services being undertaken in an increasingly commercialised environment, with the emergence of new technologies and in the face of new technical practices and protocols. We are committed to working productively and cooperatively in a non-adversarial way with key stakeholders to ensure regulation supports the safety and well-being of the community, the maintenance of high professional service standards and a well-trained, highly skilled and sustainable professional workforce for the future.

Our submission is divided into three parts – firstly, an overview of some of the key issues that have emerged since the Code was last updated. Secondly, an analysis of work practices, arrangements for training and professional development and the range of currently unmanaged risks in the sector supported by findings from a recent survey of fertility scientists working in the field. Thirdly, a set of recommendations for consideration by the RTAC Chair and the Fertility Society of Australia Board. Professional Scientists Australia thanks you for the opportunity to highlight our concerns on behalf of fertility scientists.

Read full Submission here